Minggu, 02 Januari 2011

Rock Legend Chuck Berry Collapses On Stage

Rock Legend Chuck Berry Collapses On Stage

Rock-and-roll legend Chuck Berry felt ill and was checked out by ambulance medics before a show Saturday night, a Chicago fire official said. An audience member at the show, however, said Berry slumped over during the show and was offstage for at least 20 minutes.

Fire Department spokesman Joe Roccasalva said Berry felt better and signed a release after being checked out. Roccasalva said the confusion arose because emergency personnel later responded to a patron at the show who was unwell.

Berry, 84, is known for his classic songs including “Maybelline,” “Johnny B. Goode,” and “Roll Over Beethoven.”

His agent Dick Alen said he had no information on the matter.

Concertgoer Steve Handwerker said Berry was giving an erratic, out-of-tune performance. While sitting at the keyboard, Handwerker said, Berry fell onto it face first and was helped offstage. He said he went outside and saw anambulance at the back of the theater, but ran back inside when he heard the remaining crowd roar.

Berry, still in his performance outfit, was standing unassisted and seemed alert, Handwerker said. He said Berry thanked the crowd, said medics put on a blood pressure cuff, and patted his chest.

Saying he wanted to give fans what they wanted, Berry did a step or two of what he called his “heel scoop” move and was helped offstage. Handwerker said he later saw Berry get into a white limousine and ride away from the theater.

Selasa, 23 November 2010

Do Diet Supplements Treat the Cause of Being Unhealthy

Over Diet Supplements
Most of my adult life, it seems that I prepared for what I do now. I will not go into details, but let me say that there is a long convinced me that most weight loss products do not change behavior. Yes, without doubt, they can make a sound vision of what life might look and feel like a healthy body to improve fit. These products can center us as we feel motivated to make healthier behaviors such as eating more and less. The problem is that these products are of short duration. They transport us to a healthy lifestyle superficial and quickly undermine our confidence in our ability to lose weight and feel fit, because the vision that many products promise not deeply rooted in our minds. And why it is not anchored in our minds because we do not really work to do to succeed in losing weight and healthy living.
We gain confidence in our abilities when we do the work and are not a product for us. A product can help us, but what seems likely is that the product is finally the point where we have more and more discouraged the hard work of exercise and eat clean, do.